Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Introduction to Transcendental Meditation

For more information visit - Transcendental Meditation (TM) is explained by scientists - Dr John Hagelin and Dr Norman Rosenthal. Hagelin Meditation properly understood and properly practiced is a systematic means to turn the attention powerfully within. To experience and explore deeper levels of mind, quieter levels of the awareness until the mind is completely settled in the simplest state of human awareness. Rosenthal: Through Transcendental Meditation one can slip into a zone if you like in which you are thoroughly alert, profoundly relaxed, very joyful in spirit, but unfocused on anything in particular. It's not a thing your happy about and yet you're joyful. It's not a thing you're thinking about and yet you're alert. You're not asleep and yet you're profoundly relaxed. It's a really curious state that is a thing in itself. One thing about Transcendental Meditation and you hear this from many people who have tried a bunch of different meditation techniques to get to this state - is it's one of the simplest, most effortless ways of accessing the transcendent. Hagelin: In this meditative state the body gains a deep state of rest, deeper than sleep and deep seated stress is dissolved, providing an effective prevention to stress related illness, removing the deleterious effects of stress on health and brain functioning. It's a systematic meditation technique to develop the full potential of mind and body. *Transcendental Meditation as taught by Maharishi Mahesh ...

Transcendence: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation

Dr. Norman Rosenthal's Transcendence is the best-ever book on Transcendental Meditation: accessible and substantive, engaging and scientific, practical and profound. A very enjoyable read that can change your life, for good." - David Lynch

"I have been meditating for over 10 years, and I found Transcendence to be a uniquely compelling introduction to the art and science of Transcendental Meditation. Dr. Norman Rosenthal's book will propel TM into the mainstream where it belongs." - Russell Simmons

In this definitive book on the scientifically proven health and stress-relieving benefits of Transcendental Meditation, a renowned psychiatrist and researcher explores why TM works, what it can do for you, and how to use it for maximum effect.

Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D., a twenty-year researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health and the celebrated psychiatrist who pioneered the study and treatment of Season Affective Disorder (SAD), brings us the most important work on Transcendental Meditation since the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Science of Being and Art of Living-- and one of our generation's most significant books on achieving greater physical and mental health and wellness.

Transcendence demystifies the practice and benefits of Transcendental Meditation for a general audience who may have heard about the method but do not necessarily know what it is, how it is learned, or what they stand to gain, physically and emotionally, from achieving transcendence. Dr. Rosenthal clearly and practically explains the basic ideas behind Transcendental Meditation: It is a nonreligious practice that involves sitting comfortably for twenty minutes twice a day while using a silent mantra, or nonverbal sound, to attain a profound state of aware relaxation.

Alongside exclusive celebrity interviews-where figures like Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Martin Scorsese, Russell Brand, Laura Dern, Moby, and David Lynch openly discuss their meditation-Dr. Rosenthal draws upon experience from the lives of his patients and a wealth of clinical research amassed on TM over the past generation (340 peer-reviewed published articles). He provides the fullest and most accessible book ever on the broad range of benefits of this remarkably simple practice, from relief of anxiety, stress and depression to new hope for those experiencing addiction, attention-deficit disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder.


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