Thursday, May 3, 2012

David Lynch on Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain (Transcendental Meditation)

For more information visit - David Lynch explains his understanding about consciousness, creativity and the brain. He says that Transcendental Meditation played crucial role in developing his consciousness and boosting his creativity. David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness based education http One lady in the audience says: I teach film, I make films. I would like to know what does meditation or how does meditation connect to your creative process or to how it might help the creativity of my students. David Lynch: If you have a golf ball sized consciousness, when you read a book you'll have a golf ball sized understanding, when you look out a golf ball sized awareness and when you wake up in the morning a golf ball sized wakefulness. But if you could expand that consciousness then you would read the book with more understanding and when you look out more awareness and when you wake up more wakefulness - it's consciousness. Transcendental Meditation Maharishi University of Management

Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom

This is a concise step-by-step instruction book for a powerful method of daily meditation that will systematically unfold inner peace, creativity and energy in daily life. Whether you are seeking an effective tool for reducing stress, improving your relationships, achieving more success in your career, or for revealing the ultimate truth of life within yourself, "Deep Meditation" can be a vital resource for cultivating your personal freedom and enlightenment. Yogani is the author of two landmark books on the world's most effective spiritual practices: "Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living," a comprehensive user-friendly textbook, and "The Secrets of Wilder," a powerful spiritual novel. The AYP Enlightenment Series makes these profound practices available for the first time in a series of concise instruction books. "Deep Meditation" is the first in the series.

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